Ex-NASA employee Marc Robert, along with a team led by self-taught engineer Joe Bernard, managed to make a breakthrough: they dropped an egg on the ground from space – and it survived! More precisely, not from space, and not completely dropped, and there are a number of questions about “survived”, but still they did it! After three years of trial and error and read https://telegram-store.com/catalog/product-category/channels/news and an unknown amount of money spent, not to mention the complete absence of any practical benefit from this event.
Competitions in dropping raw chicken eggs in various protective devices have long been a measure of engineering ingenuity, and the heights in this competition are already measured in tens of meters. But 100,000 feet (30 km) is still an achievement, although this height above sea level is a very arbitrary boundary of space. The problem is that cheap balloons for weather balloons can no longer rise higher, so Robert’s team had to improvise.
An unexpected difficulty was that at such a height the egg simply freezes, which is why its physical properties change dramatically. I had to come up with a heating system so as not to distort the essence of the experiment. Next, the engineers added a parachute made from nylon scraps for trial rover parachutes, along the way “borrowed” a test inflatable pillow for the Opportunity apparatus, and a number of high-tech trifles from the bins of NASA.
In the end, everything almost turned into a failure when it turned out that the egg was flying somewhere very far away from the planned landing point. His search turned out to be a very difficult task, since every second a delicacy from space risked becoming dinner with the local fauna, and it would not have been possible to obtain evidence of a successful landing. But now, inspired by the success of the engineers, they are hungry for new heights – they want to conduct a similar experiment already on Mars.